“The Clear Change detox and First Line Therapy (FLT) programs were an excellent kick start to get me out of my old ways and on track for long-term health. I was stuck in an almost lifelong eating pattern of indulging in carbs, sugars and unhealthy fats. I almost always felt groggy, sluggish and had poor mental clarity. My work requires a lot of writing and documentation and it was becoming more and more difficult to do. I figured I was on the road to continued weight gain, possible diabetes and the eventual need to take medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol. I decided to give Clear Change and FLT a try.
Some of my habits were hard to break but I kept reminding myself I was making a long-term investment towards the rest of my life. The FLT program included comprehensive lab work prior to beginning the program and then again after completion. I was able to compare my body composition analysis before, during and after the program. I stayed diligent with following the recommendations of the program. I met with Casandra every other week to review my progress with my goals and to receive productive feedback and suggestions to stay on track. It was a very educational 12 weeks as I learned how to respect my body by watching what I put into it. For me personally, seeing the results as they were happening (externally and internally) kept me motivated to stay on track. And I saw results! The majority of my lab work results improved and my visceral fat level dropped from a 13 to a 9. I’ve been much more productive at work as I can better concentrate and stay focused longer. In addition, I lost 17 pounds from the beginning of Clear Change to the end of FLT.
This was a very positive experience and I am so glad I decided to participate!” -K.B.
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